Cluj Napoca, Romania

Cluj Napoca, Romania

My friends were weirded out by the idea that I will be traveling to Romania. That is because; people usually travel to places that are more exotic when they want to indulge in a new experience. My first purpose was for an international conference, but I used the opportunity to travel around Romania as much as I could.

My team, and I, took a car all the way from Kosovo, through North Macedonia, Bulgaria and arrived in our designated place – Cluj Napoca, Romania.

To be completely honest, I had underestimated Romania’s culture and civilization of the cities very much until I got to witness how amazing it actually is.

The buildings looked of high quality and with a unique design of the exterior. Colors dominated every exterior and even some streets were paved with colored cobblestones.

The Opera House was magnificent, alongside with churches and the buildings of the municipality governance.

Some really great things about Romania, in general, were the coffee vending machines that you could find basically everywhere – EVERYWHERE. It really resided how safe of a country it is, because in some places, leaving a vending machine in the outdoors could lead to a robbery of the coins inside. However, in Romania, all of the vending machines I saw, looked used but not destroyed. Seems like Romania knows how to respect “public property”  🙂

In general, countries in Balkans are a great experience, and so was Romania. I would love to get to see more around Balkans or travel to Romania again.

Until next time!
Ramas bun!


Author: Diar Ramadani

1 Comment

  • Posted 1 August 2019 Leila 11:08

    I so do agree, traveling the Balkans is a great and thrilling experience!

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